Having a newborn is an isolating enough experience. You are tired, lucky to have showered, and home when everyone is at work. At least you are able to go to Target or where ever for an activity. Sadly, for the parent to a preemie in RSV season, even this simple pleasure is denied. You are not … [Read more...] about The joys of having a preemie in RSV season
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Jan 15-Jan 28
Sam has done really well off of the additive. He is now 8 lbs 8 ozs and is having much less gas than he had been having. The best part is we are now down to one bottle a day and I am free from the pump! For the first time since Sept 16 I have not pumped for a full week!! Best. News. … [Read more...] about Jan 15-Jan 28
Jan 14-Jan 20
This was a big milestone week for Sam as he hit 4 months old on Sunday! Such a simple thing to say, but just so loaded with baggage. Its funny, every time someone asks me how old my baby is, I hesitate. Do I give the easy answer and give his corrected age (2 weeks) or do I say 4 months and watch … [Read more...] about Jan 14-Jan 20
Jan 6-Jan 13
Now it is all coming back to me... the sleep deprivation, the inability to get anything done, the life changes that happen with a new born. Don't get me wrong, having Sam home is fantastic, but my god am I tired. My little angel is a very noisy sleeper... when he sleeps. Otherwise, he is often … [Read more...] about Jan 6-Jan 13
Crazy couple of days
Sam's due date (aka his "re-birthday") has come and gone, and to celebrate, Sam has been growing like a weed! In the past 9 days Sam has gained 14 ounces! He now weighs a hefty 6lbs 9.2 ounces. To quote my friend Gwen, Sam is solid. He just feels like a normal, healthy, stocky baby with a nice … [Read more...] about Crazy couple of days
Reflections on 2010 and an update
2010 was a mixed bag of a year. Things started off with high hopes. Peter and I figured that after 2009, 2010 had to be good. January was uneventful, but come February, the pendulum started to shift. First, I slipped on a wet floor an completely herniated a disc in my back, then the earthquake … [Read more...] about Reflections on 2010 and an update
A little video to make you smile
Departure Day videos
For those of you interested in watching lots of video of Sam's grand departure from the NICU... Video#1: Staring Laura, Sam, Melissa and the voice of Peter Video#2: Staring Laura, Sam, and the voice of Peter Video #3: Staring (in order): Sam, Melissa, Laura, some nurses whose names … [Read more...] about Departure Day videos
December 26: The first few days
What an exhausting and wonderful 7 days it has been. Having Sam home is a total dream. Don't get me wrong, I am so exhausted I am not sure I know my own name. I think the combination of lack of sleep, moving Irene from her current room to her new princess pink room, having Irene out of school for … [Read more...] about December 26: The first few days
December 21: Sam’s departure from the NICU and first 24 hours at home
Wow. I am still in shock that we are home. After 95 days of the NICU routine, this abrupt change just feels so... abrupt! I am not complaining... trust me. I am just adjusting. The past 24 hours have been a total whirlwind. We started yesterday off by having one last family breakfast for a … [Read more...] about December 21: Sam’s departure from the NICU and first 24 hours at home
Day 95: December 20
Free at last. Free at last. Thank the entire Alta Bates NICU team... we are free at last!! I will write more tomorrow about the experience tomorrow. For now, I need to sleep! Here are a few pics from the great escape staring Sam and Laura. … [Read more...] about Day 95: December 20
Day 94: December 19 – Sam’s LAST NIGHT IN THE NICU!!!!
Ok- so I may be jinxing it... but... this should be Sam's last night in Alta Bates hospital. I am a shocked that we are finally here. All the things we were going to do before Sam came home we have been trying to get done in one day. Right now, Peter is painting Irene's soon to be new bedroom a … [Read more...] about Day 94: December 19 – Sam’s LAST NIGHT IN THE NICU!!!!
Day 93: December 18
The fear is starting to seep in. What happens if Sam has a Brady or desat at home and we don't have a monitor on him to tell us. I will place money that neither Peter nor I sleep the first few nights Sam is home. It's funny, because until a few days ago I was done watching monitors and worrying. The … [Read more...] about Day 93: December 18
Day 92: December 17
No news is good news. We made it through the day with one Brady due to spit up so they didn't count it. We are one day closer to my life as a NICU prisoner coming to an end. … [Read more...] about Day 92: December 17
Day 91: December 16 (Happy 3 month birthday!)
The countdown is in full swing! Sam is set to go home in 4 days unless he has a brady. So far... so good. Every single test Sam needs to pass before he can go home he has now passed: Hearing test: check! Passed with flying colors All feeds taken from breast or bottle: check! Final brain … [Read more...] about Day 91: December 16 (Happy 3 month birthday!)
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