Ugh. I am just so over the NICU. As much as I complained about not being ready for Sam to come home the week of 12/6... now that he is not going to come home that week I am totally upset. I love the people at the NICU... but god... I am SO over it! I hate the parking garage, the alarms, the lack … [Read more...] about Day 74: November 29
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Day 73: November 28
Today felt like a continuation of yesterday. We are still in the spot I hate- and probably will be for a few days. Assuming he needs eye surgery, they will move him from nursery 3 back to nursery 2 where he will be for a few days. Then he will go back to nursery 3 into whatever spot is open. … [Read more...] about Day 73: November 28
Day 72: November 27
It's been a along time since my NICU visits were hard, so I guess I was due. Today turned out to be one fo the lowest in days. I should have knownit would be baD when I spilled a full cup of hot coffee on me at breakfast. I got to the hospital (after a costume change) only to be told we were … [Read more...] about Day 72: November 27
Day 71: November 26 (Happy birthday Yayo)
As if one Thanksgiving was not enough, we celebrated again today with a combination Thanksgiving dinner with the Rosenberg/Ross clan / Alan Harris birthday. All in all a great day. Went to the hospital at 11 to see if Sam would breast feed. Dad joined me so he could spend some of his birthday … [Read more...] about Day 71: November 26 (Happy birthday Yayo)
Day 70: November 25 (Happy Thanksgiving!)
I know, I know... I am a day behind. What can I say, all the turkey and pie has slowed me down. I got to spend just a little bit of time with Sam today. Between family visits and cooking, the day was just too filled. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I know I had much to be thankful … [Read more...] about Day 70: November 25 (Happy Thanksgiving!)
Day 69: November 24
So I have decided the breastfeeding scale is evil. The past few times we have used it to see how much Sam got... It tells us zero. I can see he has latched. He is sucking. I can hear swallowing. There is no way he is getting nothing! I am so frustrated. I have enough milk to feed a village and I … [Read more...] about Day 69: November 24
Day 68: November 23
Sorry for not posting last night. Between exhaustion and computer issues, I just couldn't do it! There is not much to report from yesterday. It was another quiet, uneventful day in the NICU. Sam did get a nice visit from both of his parents thanks to an Irene sleepover at her grandparents … [Read more...] about Day 68: November 23
Day 67: November 22
I think I will let the pictures speak for themselves: … [Read more...] about Day 67: November 22
Day 66: November 21
Despite all the good things that happened today- things didn't start off on the best footing. One of the most difficult things to do is plan a day. Between my pumping schedule, Sam's feeding schedule, and any social weekend plans, one slip in the schedule and everything goes to hell. Today, I … [Read more...] about Day 66: November 21
Day 65: November 20
Today Sam reached a really big milestone... he is now 4 pounds!!! … [Read more...] about Day 65: November 20
Day 64: November 19
Not too much new in Sam's world. He is just doing so well- especially now that the cannula is off. Its funny, but without the cannula the number of brady and apnea events has really dropped off. Here are today's highlights: Sam now weighs 3 pounds 14.8 ounces. I am confident that he will … [Read more...] about Day 64: November 19
Day 63: November 18
Day 62: November 17
Happy National Prematurity Awareness Day. To celebrate, Sam slept pretty much the entire day- especially when I was there to breastfeed. Good thing he is cute! Today's post is all a moment of zen: … [Read more...] about Day 62: November 17
Day 61: November 16 (Happy 2 month birthday!)
Well, 24+ hours in and Sam is still off the cannula! What a major stud! Everyone I talked to today feels pretty confident that Sam will go home around the week of December 7th. For those of you counting, that's 3.5 weeks from now. G.U.L.P. In other news, I did a little exercise today and … [Read more...] about Day 61: November 16 (Happy 2 month birthday!)
Day 60: November 15
Wow. I am still speechless from the events of today. At around 1:45 I was starting to get things ready to hold Sam when I noticed that his nose cannula's were not staying in his nose, but he was still having really good oxygenation. When the team came to his room for rounds, I pointed out to … [Read more...] about Day 60: November 15
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