Sam is doing great on the nose cannulas. He has had only a few minor brady's and desats- nothing to worry about. His meals are up to 25 MLs a feed. He is doing so well on them and gaining weight that they keep upping the limit they will take him to. Sam is also a nice and chunky 2 lbs 11.2 ozs. … [Read more...] about Day 44: October 30
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Day 42: October 28 (6 weeks old!)
Mr. Sam does not fail to impress. Overnight, Sam had his PICC line removed and by 9 am, it was decided he was doing so well, that they wanted to take him off CPAP and put him on the nose cannulas full time. As of 8 pm, he was still on the cannulas and doing great. Sam's main day nurse, Laura, … [Read more...] about Day 42: October 28 (6 weeks old!)
Day 43: October 29
Not much to report, so today's post will be image based: And your moment of zen: … [Read more...] about Day 43: October 29
Day 41: October 27
Sam had a so-so night. Apparently he ran a little fever, which got everyone concerned that he had gotten an infection... or it was possible that the temperature gauge in the isolette stopped functioning, and he was being over heated by the bed. To be safe, they drew a bunch of blood to check for … [Read more...] about Day 41: October 27
Day 40: October 26
When I arrived at the hospital, I had a little bit of a scare as Sam's stomach was looking a bit full. His nurse and Theresa were concerned enough to order an XRAY, as a big tummy can be an early sign of NEC (Necrotizing enterocolitis). NEC is the thing we fear the most right now, so it was a bit … [Read more...] about Day 40: October 26
Day 39: October 25
Well, according to Theresa this is going to be a big week for Mr. Sam. A few major goals have been set for him, and if he can meet them, it would be fantastic! Here are the goals, as I understand them: Advance to 15 MLs per feed Discontinue the Fat Emulsion Discontinue the HA (vitamin and … [Read more...] about Day 39: October 25
Day 38: October 24
This will be a quick post, as there was not much time to visit Sam today. Between getting back from Sausalito and getting things ready for Irene's birthday party, Sam had to take a back seat. I didn't even hold him today- which means he didn't get to do a cannula sprint. I guess I will just have … [Read more...] about Day 38: October 24
Day 37: October 23
Today, Peter and did a divide and conquer. We had a lot planned for the day, and the only way to pull it off was to split tasks. I was assigned a hospital visit and Peter was assigned to go with Irene to the Thornhill walkathon. We were then going to meet up at 4 at my parents, deposit Irene for … [Read more...] about Day 37: October 23
Day 36: October 22
First and foremost... i want to warn everyone that most likely there will be no update tomorrow, 10/23. It is Peter's birthday and a wedding reception for a friend, so Peter and I are actually taking a night off and going out. Today was probably my favorite day to date. Sam was doing well, I … [Read more...] about Day 36: October 22
Day 35: October 21 (Sam is now 5 weeks old!)
So, no news is really good news. Sam is just doing great. They have upped his feeds to 7 MLs every 3 hours and tomorrow they will start to increase his feeds until Sam is up to 15 MLs every 3 hours or a grand total of 120 MLS (4 ozs) every day. Once he reaches this milestone, the staff will look … [Read more...] about Day 35: October 21 (Sam is now 5 weeks old!)
Day 34: October 20
So, the past few posts have been pretty uneventful. To quote one person... even boring. Well, I am hoping that today's update will be as exciting for you as it is for me. First, Sam gained back all the weight he pooped out and then some. How now weighs 2 lbs 5.4 ozs. But more than that... … [Read more...] about Day 34: October 20
Day 33: October 19
Well- yesterday Sam was a bit constipated and weighed in at 2 lbs 5.2 ozs. Today, Sam is not as constipated and weighs in at 2 lbs 4.5 ozs. I guess he had quite a poopy diaper for the night shift. So glad I didn't have to change that one! Today was another quite/good day for Sam. The … [Read more...] about Day 33: October 19
Day 32: October 18
As today is big sisters birthday, I will keep this post short and sweet. Sam is doing great. He now weight 2 lbs 5.2 ozs and measures a whopping 13.97 inches. His feeds have been increased from 2 MLs every 3 hours to 4 MLs every 3 hours, with the hope that they will increase again tomorrow. … [Read more...] about Day 32: October 18
Day 31: October 17
I woke up feeling much better- both in my throat and the rest of my body. I think the antibiotics may be working- which means a uterine infection is looking like it might be the answer. So, I guess that is the good and bad news. At least we know what is wrong, and I might finally start to get … [Read more...] about Day 31: October 17
Day 30: October 16
Happy one month birthday Sam! To celebrate, your mom got a sore throat and had to miss seeing you for the first time since you were born. Lucky for mommy, Sam had a pretty quiet day today. He has been weened off of the morphine, put in the new isolette and moved back to the original room (Sam's … [Read more...] about Day 30: October 16
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