Today was the first day of 2nd grade for Irene. Aside from being an exciting time for us all... it also means we are entering into the "two years ago today" season. That's right, somehow, Sam's two year birthday is rapidly approaching. Honestly, I have no idea how that happened. His first … [Read more...] about And so we enter the two year countdown…
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The Therapy Fund | Vol. 12
My (almost) 7 Year Old Broke Me! That's right. My daughter made me cry. After months and months of her mouth, I finally reached a point where I could not take any more. It's not like there was one big incident that pushed me over the edge. It was just the culmination of everything … [Read more...] about The Therapy Fund | Vol. 12
The Therapy Fund | Vol. 11
Last week, I took a week off from blogging and my life and kidnapped my 6.5 year old and took her on a trip to Disneyland. We had been talking about this trip for almost a year. She really wanted to go, and we had promised Rosa (our nanny's daughter and my defacto daughter) that we would take her … [Read more...] about The Therapy Fund | Vol. 11
My Breastfeeding Experiences: A Tale of Contrasts
This week is Breastfeeding Awareness Week, and without wading into any of the political mine fields, I wanted to share my two very different experiences with breastfeeding. Before I begin, let me start by saying that how you feed your baby is your choice. If you choose formula for your … [Read more...] about My Breastfeeding Experiences: A Tale of Contrasts
Superheroes Come in Many Forms
This past week has been a really inspiring one for me. I have seen a number of people shed their Clark Kent exterior and reveal the Superhero that lives inside of them. Each of these people have made me stop and look at my life and think about what I can do to bring out my inner superhero. While I … [Read more...] about Superheroes Come in Many Forms
The Therapy Fund | Vol. 10
My six-and-a-half year old has a possible terminal case of diarrhea of the mouth. The past few weeks have been rough around our house. It seems no matter what I do, it set’s Irene off. The other day, I committed the big sin of turning the radio off because Irene was in the back seat of the car … [Read more...] about The Therapy Fund | Vol. 10
How I Became An Accidental SAH/WFH Mom
Before I had my first kid, if you had asked me if I would ever want to be a stay-at-home-mom, I would have laughed at you. Then I had Irene. I did everything I could to take as much time off as possible. I was lucky that I worked for Yahoo! at the time. They were very family friendly and the … [Read more...] about How I Became An Accidental SAH/WFH Mom
The Therapy Fund | Vol. 9
Dear God. The screaming. The ear piercing, toe curling, mind melting, soul crushing screaming that is emanating from my little boy these days. These screams often come without warning or reason, and last hours (ok, more like minutes, but they feel like hours). These screams are so impressive, … [Read more...] about The Therapy Fund | Vol. 9
The Therapy Fund | Vol. 8
My blood came to a boil earlier this week thanks to an email from the lovely folks at This all started innocently enough. I was having one of those preemie mom days. You know the one - where you are full of a bit of self pity and pride. I opened my email to see one of those … [Read more...] about The Therapy Fund | Vol. 8
All about Kenna
Today is a great day. Nothing really to report with Sam - he is just doing great. What makes today special is a preemie friend of ours is finally going home after 6 months (and one day) in the NICU. Now, a baby being released from the NICU is always a joyous thing. In this case, it is truly … [Read more...] about All about Kenna
The Therapy Fund | Vol. 7
A quick look at my own personal Sophie's Choice. The battle in our house over the issue of weaning Sam is hitting a new high (or is that low). For those that have been following, I have been struggling since since March with the idea of weaning Sam. I had originally planned to use a solo trip to … [Read more...] about The Therapy Fund | Vol. 7
The Therapy Fund | Vol. 6
The NICU was an extremely traumatic place for me and my husband. I spent anywhere from 4-8 hours a day sitting next to Sam's isolette listening to a symphony of sounds made up of alarms, beeps, the whooshing and whirring of breathing devices, doctor and nurse chatter, and my own breathing. Every … [Read more...] about The Therapy Fund | Vol. 6
OT Update
Today was Sam's first OT appointment. As I mentioned yesterday, I was a bit anxious. I even found myself waking up a number of times during the night. Don't get me wrong, I KNOW that Sam is OK. He is developing beautifully. He is smart. He is funny. He has so much personality its a little … [Read more...] about OT Update
Waiting for OT
Back in May, I wrote about our 18-month evaluation at the high risk infant follow up clinic. I went into the appointment cocky and confident - sure that the doctor would take one look at my anti-preemie and tell us we didn't ever need to come back. Instead, we walked out with referrals to speech … [Read more...] about Waiting for OT
The Therapy Fund | Vol. 5
Postpartum Depression. All pregnant woman are warned about PPD. We are told what the warning signs are, and what to do if we feel that PPD is creeping into our lives. For the preemie mom, PPD is just one of the things we have to look out for. Surviving a preemie is very traumatic, and for many … [Read more...] about The Therapy Fund | Vol. 5
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