I know I am not supposed to compare my children or assume that what worked for one will work for the other... but here I am, in a position where I let my "It worked for Irene" get in the way of common sense. You see, with Irene, if you told her no or to not touch something, she listened. You only … [Read more...] about The Therapy Fund | Vol. 4
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The Therapy Fund | Vol 3 | The Art of Artichoking
This week, the therapy fund contribution is 100% for me. I am now 20+ months into breastfeeding my son. Of course, the first 3 months all pumping until Sam was old enough to latch and then strong enough to breastfeed all of his meals. But, ever since he came home from the hospital, Sam has … [Read more...] about The Therapy Fund | Vol 3 | The Art of Artichoking
Sleep Training: Week One
As I mentioned in my second Therapy Fund post, Peter and I broke down and hired a sleep consultant to help us get Sam sleeping better. The plan we worked out was pretty simple: I was not allowed in the house between 7 pm - 7 am, and was not allowed to be near Sam at nap time. The idea was to … [Read more...] about Sleep Training: Week One
I’ve Been Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop
In the 20 months since Sam was born, we have been really lucky. Yes, he was just 24-weeks when he was born, spent 95 days in the NICU, had heart surgery and eye surgery... but other than a hospitalization for RSV last December, we have had no long term issues to deal with. So it was with great … [Read more...] about I’ve Been Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop
The Therapy Fund | Vol. 2
In honor of Peter, Sam and myself.... The past few months with Sam have been hard. I have written a few times about the troubles we have had with getting Sam to sleep and keeping him asleep. Things really came to a head two weeks ago when Sam started taking two hours of rocking each night to … [Read more...] about The Therapy Fund | Vol. 2
The Therapy Fund | Vol. 1
Introducing a new category of posts... This one focuses on what parenting lapse occurred this week to cause me to add money to the Therapy Fund jar. The jar is not earmarked for any one particular family member, because at the rate we are going, all of us will need therapy every now and … [Read more...] about The Therapy Fund | Vol. 1
The Witching Hour(s)
I had it easy with my first kid. At 3 months old, Irene slept through the night. Now, she goes to bed early and wakes up at a reasonable time. Sam, on the other hand, is not so easy. For a little while there, it looked like we were going to luck out and have two perfect angels when it came time … [Read more...] about The Witching Hour(s)
Going to New York
Since my daughter was born 6.5 years ago I have taken a total of zero trips by myself. I have gone away with my husband, gone away with my mom, but I have not gone anywhere alone. Now, with Sam in the the picture, I have left my kids a total of three times: I left Sam with his dad for one night when … [Read more...] about Going to New York
Sam’s latest developments
Despite my fears that something is going to show up that is horribly wrong with Sam... he has been progressing and developing like a champ. Lately, his biggest area of development is speech. He has decided to skip over the easy words and moved on to more complex ones: chicken, again, monkey, butt … [Read more...] about Sam’s latest developments
I love the preemie community
When I gave birth to Sam in 2010, I became a member of the preemie parent community. Those of you readers that have your own preemie know what I am talking about. For those without a preemie, let me tell you... in some ways you are really missing out. Nobody knows how to rally around when you or … [Read more...] about I love the preemie community
To wean or not to wean…
Weaning. This is a totally new and foreign concept to me. With Irene, I didn't have to think about weaning at all. Between my low milk supply and Irene's strong will, the decision to wean was made for me when Irene was just six months old. In fact, my experience with Irene hung as a shadow … [Read more...] about To wean or not to wean…
Parents of Preemies Day
Today is the first ever Parents of Preemies Day. A day to celebrate the strength it takes to be a parent to a premature baby. It's funny, because as a parent of a preemie, this is something I see and recognize every day. It seems wrong to me to have a day to celebrate... me. Instead, I would love to … [Read more...] about Parents of Preemies Day
The difference one person can make
So, my last post ended on a paranoia note. Yes, I constantly worry that something is going to show up with Sam that will prove to the world that he was, in fact a preemie. I have a terrible time accepting that I can give birth to a 24 weeker and have only emotional scars to show for it. Don't get … [Read more...] about The difference one person can make
18 Month Check-up
Yep. You read that right. Sam is now 18 months old (actual). It's so hard to believe how far we have come. Think about it, Sam has grown 18 inches since he was born. Eighteen inches - that is the size of an American Girl doll - that is more than double his birth height of 12 inches. As for … [Read more...] about 18 Month Check-up
Milestones and progress
The past month has been one of major milestones reached - on all parts. So many... where to start. IRENE Irene has had a great few months. She is really doing well at school and has discovered her deep love of reading. I am not talking little picture books, I am talking chapter books... big … [Read more...] about Milestones and progress
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