It's election day, so I am hoping everyone out there has voted. In watching the returns, I am a bit concerned about the state of politics in this country! At least some of the crackpots running have lost (Yes, Christine O'Donnell I am talking about you!). But I digress. I arrived at the NICU … [Read more...] about Day 47: November 2
Life in the NICU
Day 46: November 1
To quote Theresa, this will be a pretty boring week for Sam... we hope. There is very little planned for Sam. I think they just want to let him have a week to just grow and thrive. I believe the term used to describe Sam in the NICU is he is now a "grower and feeder". So, these are the few … [Read more...] about Day 46: November 1
Day 45: October 31 (Happy Halloween)
Good news! The bad nurse was not with Sam today- one of our favorites, Gaye was! Phew! I was so worried that we were going to have a problem today, but Gaye to the rescue. My favorite thing was, when I called Gaye to see how Sam was doing, she had so little to say, that we talked more about … [Read more...] about Day 45: October 31 (Happy Halloween)
Day 44: October 30
Sam is doing great on the nose cannulas. He has had only a few minor brady's and desats- nothing to worry about. His meals are up to 25 MLs a feed. He is doing so well on them and gaining weight that they keep upping the limit they will take him to. Sam is also a nice and chunky 2 lbs 11.2 ozs. … [Read more...] about Day 44: October 30
Day 42: October 28 (6 weeks old!)
Mr. Sam does not fail to impress. Overnight, Sam had his PICC line removed and by 9 am, it was decided he was doing so well, that they wanted to take him off CPAP and put him on the nose cannulas full time. As of 8 pm, he was still on the cannulas and doing great. Sam's main day nurse, Laura, … [Read more...] about Day 42: October 28 (6 weeks old!)
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