The surgery went really well. It was not the largest PDA the surgeon had seen, but it was big. The surgeon feels that by closingnit, Sam should start to feel better soon. I'll write more later. … [Read more...] about Quick Surgery update
Life in the NICU
Day 27: October 13
I spent as much time as possible with Sam today knowing that the next few days with him were going to be rough. When I got to the hospital he looked good- really good. His color was nice and since he had been peeing a huge amount out, the puffiness from the day before was gone. More than that, … [Read more...] about Day 27: October 13
Day 26: October 12
So, today had two major events for Sam. The first was an echocardiogram and the second was the efforts to get an arterial line in place. It took a number of attempts to get an arterial line into Sam. The hope is this line would allow for accurate and constant reads on his blood pressure as well … [Read more...] about Day 26: October 12
Day 25: October 11
Today was... well... uneventful. Sam had a good night on the ventilator. He started to pee around 5 am-which is great. He also responded really well to being on the vent. They talked about taking him on the vent today, but the doctor decided that Sam had earned himself a full day off. Their new … [Read more...] about Day 25: October 11
Day 24: October 10 addendum
So, while they were trying to reintubate Sam, they found a blockage. It turns out he had a very severe mucus plug sitting on top of his vocal cords. This plug was blocking his airway, making it difficult for him to breathe. The moment the plug was out, Sam got a bit of his feistiness back and … [Read more...] about Day 24: October 10 addendum
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