I could spin a number of excuses, but really, I just don’t have any good ones. I have not been especially busy- but somehow I have just not found the time to write. And now, with a totally crazy week, here I am at the keyboard. Go figure.
First for the update: Sam has his first cold. Poor little guy has a nasty cough and some serious digestion issues. Hopefully this will tear through him quickly and we can get back to normal. Of course, he is taking it all like a champ. Vomiting one minute then smiling and cooing the next. Such a super star! I am officially an unemployed mom. I turned in my work computer and everything! (side note: images will be coming later- my new machine and I are having a little disagreement about pulling photos off my phone!) Being unemployed if liberating and scary… but I am seeing freelance work heading my way soon.
In the meantime, Sam and I are keeping busy working on a special project that I promise I will let everyone know about in the next few weeks. We are sworn to secrecy for now. I promise… it should be fun.
Oh, and for those wondering, Mother’s Day was so nice. Peter and Irene made me breakfast and then we spent the day on the coast. First we visited the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve to look at the tide pools and then we headed down to Bean Hollow beach to just hang out. It was a wonderful day, and just so nice to spend it with both my children.
Well, first, CONGRATULATIONS on taking the leap into the world of freelance (aka unemployment!) It is a GREAT place to be. And as for your “secret” project – do I have an idea?! I just might! Sam looks fantastic and we had a great great time playing with Irene in Tahoe and hope to repeat the experience this summer (and introduce her to Josie and Everett). So happy that all is going so well and Mr. Miracle Man is a normal, happy, thriving, growing by leap and bounds, little boy!
Hi Linda. I do believe you know all about the secret project. I will be able to share more details in a few weeks. We would love to see you over the summer at Tahoe. We will be there for memorial day weekend, 4th of July and at the end of August. hopefully something will work.
Hey! Just stopping by to say I read about Sam in the Barnard class notes — I’m class of ’89 and live in San Francisco, and my daughter Penelope was born at 30 weeks gestation in October ’08. So I wanted to send you local love and, you know, thumbs up! I know what you’re going through! xoxo
Thanks so much Amy. I didn’t even know the magazine was out yet- guess I will get my copy this week. I took at look at your blog and a lot of what you went through was very familiar to me. Its nice to see how well your daughter is doing. Thanks for taking the time to read about my Mr. Man.