Today is the first ever Parents of Preemies Day. A day to celebrate the strength it takes to be a parent to a premature baby. It’s funny, because as a parent of a preemie, this is something I see and recognize every day. It seems wrong to me to have a day to celebrate… me. Instead, I would love to think of this as a day to celebrate everyone that helped me have the strength to be a parent to a 24-weeker.
So, here is to you: my parents, my in-laws, my brother, my neighbors, all of my friends, my family members, the NICU staff, the nice lady at the cash register in the hospital cafeteria, the Alta Bates security guards, and everyone who has followed my story. Without all of you, I would have crumbled under the pressure of having Sam. You all allowed me to be a champion for Sam, by being my champions.
So, with all the power vested in me… I am declaring today Support System of Parents of Preemies Day. I salute all of you – as does Sam:
And just a few pictures to help celebrate:
ps. What do you think of the new site design?